Savor the Flavor of Eating Right
March is National Nutrition Month, as we approach the halfway mark of the month, our staff wanted to check in to see if you and your family have adopted any new healthy eating habits. If not, we wanted to provide some encouragement and remind you that it’s not too late!
The theme for this year’s Nutrition Month is “Savor the Flavor of Eating Right.” Taking 31 days to slow down and appreciate the many varieties, traditions and tastes. As dental professionals, we understand not only the importance of enjoying the flavors but also ensuring that the foods you choose are nutritious. We wanted to bring you some insight into why we find Nutrition Month so important and how it relates to your oral health.
A varied diet with components from each of the five food groups is essential to both oral and systemic health. It is well known that limiting sugar intake and avoiding acidic drinks and food will decrease the risk for dental decay. Vegetables, fruits and foods with roughage provide mechanical removal of dental plaque whereas sticky soft foods tend to compact into crevices in our teeth.
Take a minute to think about your dietary habits for the first part of March. Are you happy with the choices you’ve made? Or is it time to look at the glass as half full and know that we still have half of the month remaining to make conscientious and wise choices. Think about what foods are healthy for your teeth, it is likely that these choices are healthy for your entire body.